Friday, March 26, 2010

bila boss marah

Hari ini,
Aku kene marah dengan boss,
Sebab melengah kan kerja yang sepatutnya sudah habis.
Walaupun bukan salah aku,
Tapi, dalam dunia aku,
kelembab-an client aku tak memberi aku sebab untuk tidak hantar kerja.

Dalam erti kata lain,
Only death can make me escape from submitting.

Tapi, kerana mood aku agak songsang hari ni,
Aku butakan mata,
Aku pekak kan telinga,
Aku buat bodoh,
I just followed my own pace yang agak malas hari ni.

Later in the afternoon,
Aku terima satu text message,
Yang aku rasa mempunyai kuasa 'reversed psychology'.

"Fren, sorry. I dun mean to shout just now. I'm pissed of.
At one hand, company secretary is pushing us, but in actual fact,
their finance is not responding,
while we did not communicate our concerns
or push client on urgent basis.
Our partner does not want to sign
until she is comfortable. I just want her to sign before my leave starts,
Because I don't want to leave this shit to you.
Hope you understand.
However, this does not warrant me to shout at you
I am sorry."

Bila boss cakap sorry,
Terkedu-kedu aku,
Tersipu-sipu segan.

Aku dengan pantas, semangat, dan tekun,
Terpaksa stay back untuk menghabiskan sisa-sisa kerjaku.

Dan, terhapuslah lagi cita-cita aku untuk balik awal hari ini.


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