After lunch today I went to a pet shop in Great Eastern Mall. Me and my colleagues would call it ‘Safari’ and believe it or not, we drop by at the Safari every day after lunch to visit our adopted pets which I have adopted a dog named Shinzu (a Shin Zu breed) and a cat named Percy (a Persian breed). Only to find that they have been sold!
Sedihnyaaaaaaaaaaa……………………………………………………………………… :( :( :(
My Shinzu

Didn't manage to take Percy's photo though coz he was always sleeping.. lazy cat!
I'll miss you both!
its ok hun...cheer up. try again next sitting. :) shinzu n percy? tiada pengganti baru... i think they bought them for X-Mas present...damn!
relax ar..suki ada aper...rilek je dier...nak amik gmbr bile2 pon bole...
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