Met some familiar faces and also made new friends before the race. Shared some stupid jokes with Isma and wished everyone a good and safe race.
The race consisted of 3.5km run 11.4km cycling and 3.5km of run. My aim was to finish each leg no more than 30 minutes. I started at the back in the first run and kept the pace comfortable and steady. The running route was partly hilly and fun. Managed to finish the 2 loops of running approximately 23 minutes (kura-kura).

There were less then 10 bikes in my category when I came into the transition area (top 10 from opposite end - chantek). The cycling part is all climb and flat part to even think of drafting. So my strategy was to spin sesedap rasa memanjat bukit2 tersebut. Managed to gain back lost time from turtle run earlier as quite a number of cyclist either cycled really easy or dismounted and pushed their bikes. Managed to finish the bike leg in about half and hour.
As I changed my running shoes for the 2nd run I told myself to keep running however slow it takes until I finish the distance required. No cramps and discomfort until the very end where my stomach started cramping up a little, but that was already too close to the finish so I kept running ala bapak tortoise towards the finish and managed to do it in 1hour 19 minutes plus minus. I did not care much of the timing or enven getting a placing but I am satisfied and glad that the race was fun and trouble free.

ps- a big thank you to ET Tey for spending his time and effort snapping pictures of the race. And to Malakoff,QuickRelease Adventures, Powerbar and participating Universities.
hope ayman is doing fine. But anyway.. u did a good job.. u were not prepared to do it alone, but u did it! :)
ayman dah ok...
thanks year should be your turn ;)
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