I thought I should start cooking again..
It's been more or less 3 years that I haven't really cook. So I must try again!
4 years back.. Ali used to admire my nasi goreng.
4 years back.. I used to cook at least twice a week and improvised a lot of cooking style..
3 years back, during my graduation trip, I cook for my family and they loved it!
Now...I've lost my touch!
Instanteneously, I decided to cook! So I started surfing the internet looking for good recipe. I found one, and I tried it out... First time masak ketam...
Ketam bertelur: (mak kata, lain kali potong kakinya :p)
Sayur kailan pahit:
And this.....!!! The worst of all! (I used to cook good kari kurma).. Now just look at my Kurma Telur!
Looks like...........
Oh, begini lah dah lama tak masak.. (alasan!)
My mother said "Takper, boleh jer makan.. nanti kalau esok-esok Ali lapar sgt, boleh la nak makan, takder lah kebulur"
Haih, mama! bila lapar nak mati jer ke baru boleh makan? Is it that bad?
Yang penting mereka tambah dua pinggan!
hahaha...comel je bawang goreng for garnishing on all 3 dishes...
it looks delicious-seriously.
masak tak ajak datang makan..
merajuk la ni..:P
Ali: sbb sumer macam very pale.. taruklah bawang goreng, baru nampak brownish.. hehe :)
Zetty: masak tu sbb stress! dah penat buat keje, aku pon masak lah! tak sedap pon.. nasib baik la ko tak dtg!
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