I was stunned to have gone through a number of files that illustrated the reason for death was mostly heart attack, and almost 60% of the samples I chose were files belong to policemen. And most of them were in between 51 to 60 years old. So young, I know. But I think there's nothing bizarre in this kind of environment.
However this one, has really caught my attention.

At the age of 51, he died because of 'Penat'. This is definitely not normal to me.
And I thought to myself "What am I still doing at my client's office at 2.30 am in the morning reviewing Death Claim Files, where I should be home, resting. I am definitely tired now and I don't want to die because of tireness".
So took 3 days off from work.
babe, that's scary..
i know, right?
but i think with baby qis around, u wont be having that risk. cz u hv to go home early =)
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