Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ijab Qabul review - Dia terima nikahnya

Memang berdebar. Sebenarnya yang paling berdebar kalau ustaz tu tanya soalan pelik-pelik and the groom cannot answer.. haha, but no lah.. it went quite smooth. Lepas the ceramah, terus diserahkan kepada my father, the wali.

Before mula, kene practice dulu. Sebab my father pernah practice before this and dia tersilap nak nikahkan the groom's father.. haha..

Saya terima nikahnya Izrin Irina binti Khairil Anuar....masa ni sebak la jugak sebab at this moment, i felt that after all these years, through all the ups and downs, he accepts me for who I am. And lebih touching, my father yang telah membesarkan anaknya ini took the honor to give me away.

Baca taklik

Ameen, selesai sudah upacara akad nikah. The groom, now my husband went up to the bilik pengantin to perform solat sunat.

Sementara itu, kami di bawah, sibuk tangkap gambar .

Then, there comes the groom, dengan hadiah hadiah to be given to the bride.

Ehem..the best man yg pakai baju brown tu still single ;)
Present the mas kahwin
Sarung cincin
Gelak bukan sebab cincin tak muat ye.. hahah..

Bracelet for me
 Ok, the final gift for me was my necklace. Agaknya suamiku ini tak pernah beli rantai untuk sesapa, tak reti nak bukak. Punya la lama. Ada la 2 minit nak bukak rantai tu.

Bila dah boleh bukak, kedengaran suara orang ramai "haaaaaaa" macam lega...Oh wait! But then bila dah pakaikan, nak pasang balik...lagi 2 minit!! Oh my god.

Tengok sikit muka semua orang yang menuggu.. hahah..OK next time for other b2b, if you have gifts like this, make sure you ask your fiance to practice bukak and pasang balik dalam masa yang singkat ;)

Next was my gift to him. Cincin kahwin (yang sekarang dah longgar, and dia pakai kat rantai ala-ala Brad Pitt)

Lepas tu macam biasa la kan, semua nikah pon ada. Although you think that you see this all the time during nikah, like it's normal. BUT, it's not normal to the pengantin. Salam and cium tangan yang pertama kali, like trying to tell the husband "saya akan taatkan awak"

Dan suami pulak menjawab "saya akan tunaikan segala tanggungjawab saya pada awak" :)

Lepas selesai, we started to go around to find our parents and grannies untuk salam-salam tanda terima kasih kerana telah memberi restu.

YEAHHH!!! I did it!!!!!!
With my bridesmaids
We waited for about 15 minutes sambil tangkap-tangkap gambar while other guests sedang enak makan (remember my previous entry, there were no meja pengantin prepared by the wedding planner?), I didnt notice what was not right at that time, I didnt notice that I wasnt eating. -_-

However, we had this upacara merenjis and terbuka kepada semua orang, sesapa yang mahu, bcause we didnt want to have too many people merenjis on the reception night, hence we gave opportunities for other family members to give their blessings on that nikah night.

Bukan saja orang-orang tua sibuk merenjis, the youngsters juga sibuk nak memberi their blessings, ok la fine, bagi la chance.

Ignore the kaki, this is the bunga telur untuk orang yang merenjis
The bottom bekas kaca is the door gift for all guests
Considering it was a Thursday night (esoknya kerja), it was a very good turnup, I must say. The whole event ended about midnight.

Merasmikan katil pengantin

Jangan terlebih fikir, tiada apa yang berlaku malam tu.. hahah

Kerana pengantin lelaki balik ke rumah mak dia.

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