Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy ox year!

I simply love Chinese New Year celebration. Not that I am celebrating.. but it really gets me excited every time.

Is it because of the happy and joyful songs that are always on air?

Is it because of the empty roads I hit during those holidays, which have always made my journey to work seem stress-free?

Is it because most of my clients are Chinese and when I couldn’t get my work done on time, I could get away by blaming my client going on leave?

Is it because of the mandarin oranges?

Is it because of the generous ang pows I could get when I visit my father’s friends?

Is it because of those Chinese movies on tv?

Is it because of the acrobatic and lion dance performances?

And, Oh! I love them all!!!!

Check out the pix! Something i never failed to watch..every good year!

Lion take ang pow
They are an i know?

Because they made out!

The female felt happy because she was being kissed

And i was happy too.. look at my goody pack. Who ever still eat Tam Tam nowadays?


Dina said...

the lion dance scared the s**t out of Dini and me when we were young. i still get goosebumps when i hear the drums. once, during IC's msian night some years back, i sat in the front row and was horrified when they performed the lion dance. sat stiff in my seat the whole time. lol

Izrin said...

omg dina.. i love lion dance!!! i love looking at the lion u knw? esp when they gatal-gatal which each othr, main mata n ekor.. hehe.. i remember once me n dzue kejar the lion dkt subang parade.. haha.. funny lah..

i wanted to hire one during cardiff msian night, but sooo expensive la.. :p i cud just stand still watching lion dance...

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