The original sarong president - Mr. Ngae with our biggest "loser", Upiq who lost 121 lbs in 15 months. That is a weight of one female!

Fairuz, Azman and Ayman with Hafiz partially seen at the back walking towards the assembly area looking like a group of 'gangster kampung'.

Adeline and May Senn enjoying themselves.

The idea was initiated by Azman to turn up for this charity run in our sarongs. It was quite exciting and fun to see other friends who also turn up with their sarongs!! Well done Mr. Ngae (kain pelikat is his thing), Mac, May Senn, Upiq, Azman, Adeline, Ayman, Ariff and 2 other girls whom I did not manage to get their names.
It was all round fun and a relax walk for everyone of us and the idea of having fun did go to the roots of it all. We gather together around for some group pictures before going home. I believe Upiq and May Senn have more pictures in their possession. All the pictures above were taken with my mobile phone which explains the quality as being mediocre only. But do check out Upiq's and May Senn's blog or facebook for the rest of the photos. Cheers.
Izrin did not join us coz she has an important exam to sit for tomorrow and Tuesday, but she was still part of the event as she also contributed her share by purchasing those Terry Fox Run T-Shirts. We shall all look forward to the next one!
I have one sama macam Mr Ngae's. :) my dad's lah tapi..
kain pelikat lalalala
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