Amaal is now close to 8 months old. And only now I have the time to update the labour story. I have been so busy with these two kiddos, can't even open my lappie at home.
I love to reminisce especially remembering the birth of my children. I was at 36 weeks when Dr Noraini told me the baby seemed big, since I insisted on normal delivery if possible, she suggested to induce out the baby. She wanted the pregnancy to pass 37 weeks to ensure baby has matured and ready to go out. Baby was 3.2kg at that time. She was worried if the baby is big and I force for normal delivery and finally if I find that I couldn't and have to opt for czer, I will have to go through both kinds of labour with two cuts, down and up at the belly. So she was very adamant for me to force the labour once I pass 37 weeks.
I went to see Dr Noraini again at 37 weeks, but the baby has not engaged. I told the doctor to wait another week, I was hoping for natural labour to come. On and off, I was admitted at the hospital because baby started to either move very slow or did not move at all. At 38.5 weeks, when I went for my weekly checkup, baby was already 3.6kg. My first daughter was born at 3.4kg, so that was the maximum I guess I didn't want to wait for her to be any bigger than that. That was when I decided to induce my labour. My decision was based on:
1. I have no history of czer (Moms with history of czer, can go into czer op again after inducing the baby. That is what I heard. Not sure though)
2. I have passed 38 weeks (estimation of minus 2 weeks is 36 weeks, at least it is considered a term baby, not a premature)
I knew she was ready for the world. I just knew.
On 26 January 2015, I was admitted to SDMC in the evening, so I can be ready to be induced early morning the next day.
So I had my feast that evening, nasi lemak, burger, subway you name it!
The next morning, I woke up early and showered, and had my make up on (A MUST!). Lesson learnt, you look like shit after labour. So having make up on, will reduce the shittiness.
Doctor came in at 8am to break my waterbag and she told me to wait half an hour for any natural contraction. I had nothing! So at 8.30 am, I was induced. At this point, I honestly forgot how it felt like the first time with Imaan.
Man, this was fast. It was getting more and more intense by the minute. If I had about 10 hours of labour with Imaan, this time was just about 4 hours. By 11am I was in deeeeep pain and I asked the nurse for pethidine (pain killer that makes you sleep in between the pain). Mind you, the pain still come! It is not like Epidural where you can totally enjoy your labour.Any pain killer must be taken at certain time before certain size of cervix opening. I had mine at 5cm.
The next time the nurse came in for VE, I heard her say 6cm, one hour later, I was in so much pain like she was coming out already. I called the nurse, she checked me again, it was already 9cm. That fast!
The nurses were rushing around calling the doctor and they told me to hold. I shouted and I said I cant wait anymore!!!!!!! I saw the doctor rushing in and started to wear gloves and the boots and I told her, "Doctor, I really cant wait ....."eghhhhhhhhhhh (pushing)!!! Then the doc said "ok ok you can start..." In 3 push, alhamdulillah!!!!!!! A beautiful beatiful chubby baby girl.
Doc took her and put her on my chest, I felt soo warm and heavy. I heard the doc said "This is definitely not 3.6kg!" They weighed her...she was 4.1kg! Alhamdulillah....
Syukur Ya Allah!
I hope its still not too late to wish for Amaal Jasmine and pray for her semoga menjadi anak yang soleh dan penuh amal, as pretty as jasmine!! Secanti dan sewangi namamu. Ameen..