Sunday, January 31, 2010

Part-time job

Despite from being busy in this frantic and unhealthy lifestyle, I wish to do something more motivating and uncommon to my usual daily work life. That could give me a different kind of experience that I can never gain from audit. So I started browsing the internet to look for part-time/freelance job.

I wish to do the followings for my extracurricular activities. Timing is a different issue. If there’s opportunity, I will grab it and give my best. At least I can do something that I have always been dreaming of doing.

1. Be a member of any women society and help disadvantaged single women.
2. Volunteer runner/organizing event committee for a one day event.
3. Part-time preparing financial statements/book keeping for newly set up companies.
4. Provide private home tuition for a negotiable fee

A bit too ambitious, don’t you think? But…I am serious though.


Pial Khadilla Abdullah said...

Hi Iz, what's included in the book keeping and hw much are the charges?

Izrin said...

hey peels,
book keeping is simply taking care of your accounts, keeping track of the money flow.since its part time, the work is done on weekly basis. every week, you provide me with the receipts/invoices all sorts of documents, and i'll book into the system.At month end we'll generate the accounting report so you can see the position of the an outsource accountant kinda thing.
The value added service will be like preparing a full set of financial statement for regulatory purposes for example. As well as preparing yearly report/analysis on the performance of the company if required.Thats what i can think of.
To be honest, this has just crossed my mind and havent really thought of the charges. But if there's serious job offer, i may have to do some research on the reasonable fee and furnish my laptop with the relevant accounting system ;)
Why are u asking? opening up new co?

Dina said...

i would love to do number 2.
though not sure if i'd still want to once i hav a child. lol
number 4 is quite a good way to get extra income i would say.
people are willing to pay a lot for one-on-one tuition.

gluck Izrin! :)

Izrin said...

yea dina,
if i have all the time in the world, i would love to do 1,2 and 4. No 3 tu is just to get some exposure. its totally different from what i do. u can still do no2 even when u have ur child nanti. tp wait until dia dah besar sket la.. u bleh kasi aunty hani to baby sit. :p

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