Sunday, June 28, 2009

Larian KL Marathon

Ini kisah seorang lelaki yang hatinya sangat kental. Very determined. And I admire him for that. Not because he is someone special. But because he’s a true sportsman.

I am writing this, while he is sleeping. Berdengkur-dengkur macam tak tidur 7 hari.

He has not been constantly training for the run.

The day before the run:

He was supposed to at least run in the morning, just to warm up a little bit.

Instead, he had nasi lemak for breakfast, lepak a little while, and cycled for 1 hour and 10 minutes.

We went to Subang Parade to buy some stuff, later in the evening; we went to his cousin’s house to celebrate a little kid’s birthday.

He was really doing his carbo-loading.

He had don’t-know-how-many of the sandwiches, 2 plates of pasta, and 2 plates of nasi goreng.

Malam, we attended a friend’s wedding reception. This is what he had to eat last night.

“Oh shit. What if I can’t shit tomorrow morning? I’ll be running with shit in my tummy”
I was quite certain that that won’t happen. I know because he has never had problems with poo-ing before. To make him more confident, I gave him 4 tablets of fibre pills to get it worked after 8 hours of consuming.

Reached home from the wedding, it was nearly 1 in the morning. I told him to sleep and wake up at 4.30 in the morning. Bukan nak mandi pon :p Buat coffee, hoping that he would be able untuk mengosongkan perut.

Funny he couldn’t do it. Kenapa dalam time-time macam ni, tak boleh pulak nak membuang?

Selalunya senang. Dugaan…..

Dia teruskan niat untuk berlari 21km dengan perut yang penuh, rasa tak sedap.

9.23am, he texted me, “Alhamdulillah, habis! With 15 minutes to spare”.
After the run, tak sempat-sempat nak balik, terpaksa singgah di toilet sebelah Radzuan Radziwil’s boutique dalam Dayabumi untuk meninggalkan “hadiah”.

Memang sengaja Tuhan menguji kekuatan dan semangat dia.

I can still remember the first time he attempted PD tri, with no training at all, he officially became a triathlete. And today, without training, lack of sleep, very exhaustive, tummy full shit, he was still able to finish it within the qualifying time. That’s why I am so proud of him.

Tidur dulu, petang karang main bola pulak!

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